Market Moves: Week Ending 24 May 2024

  • Ethereum (EETH) was the best performing asset of the week as investors celebrated the SEC’s approval of 19b-4 filings allowing US exchanges such as NYSE, Nasdaq, and CBOE to list ETFs tied to the price of Ether.1 The move is a win for ETF issuers as it lays the groundwork for products to begin trading later this year, however the products themselves are yet to receive the go-ahead.
  • Clean energy ETFs (CLNE, HGEN, TANN) were also a theme among the top performers. A recent deal signed between Bloom Energy and Intel highlighted the link between hydrogen and AI, causing a rush of investor interest in the industry.2 US based solar stocks have also rallied on bullishness surrounding raised tariffs on China’s overpowering solar cell industry.3
  • Chinese large caps (IZZ) were the poorest performers last week. Investors appear to be taking profit after the stocks rallied more than 20% year-to-date, and geopolitical tensions flared in the Taiwan Strait.4
  • There were $605.3 million in reported inflows for the week and $81.4 million in outflows, marking a week of net inflow for the Australian ETF industry.

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Forecasts are not guaranteed and undue reliance should not be placed on them. This information is based on views held by Global X as at 28/05/2024. Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal. Diversification does not ensure a profit nor guarantee against a loss.

Brokerage commissions will reduce returns.

This material represents an assessment of the market environment at a specific point in time and is not intended to be a forecast of future events, or a guarantee of future results. This information is not intended to be individual or personalised investment or tax advice and should not be used for trading purposes. Please consult a financial advisor or tax professional for more information regarding your investment and/or tax situation.